Two New RPGs at MSG are recruiting players

11 Aug 2015 4:17 PM | Scot McConnachie (Administrator)

Metro Seattle Gamers has two new roleplaying groups that are recruiting players. 

1) Synnibarr 3rd Edition.

Designers Raven c.s. McCracken and Scott Owen are making regular weekly appearances at Metro Seattle Gamers! 

For those of you who do not remember, The World of Synnibarr made its first appearance thirty years ago. After nearly a decade of painstaking redesign, the World of Synnibarr 3rd Edition is finally being released! The game designers will be on hand to answer questions while Raven and Scott are running demos and FatesFist referee training, introducing players to this fantastic new system.

Sessions are being held at MSG on Friday nights starting at 7 pm. For those who wish to jump right in, members of FatesFist shall be standing by to run games. It is a privilege to be able to once again offer YOU at Metro Seattle Gamers an exclusive “first glimpse” of another revolutionary game. For further information see 


2)  Seattle Monster Hunters: A GURPS 4th Edition game of modern action-adventure.

You are a sworn member of MOTHERR, a secret unaffiliated international
organization embedded within the secret, intelligence, military and research
apparatus of many world governments. You are agents in FIELDCOM tasked with protecting the innocent from supernatural threats and the secretive
organization of monsters and rogues known as The Cabal.

This is an ongoing in-person tabletop mission-style RPG using
GURPS Fourth Edition set in the Monster Hunter Monster Hunters
campaign. It draws inspiration from media like Hell Boy (BPRD), Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, Charmed, Grimm, Warehouse 13, Eureka, Ghostbusters, and the like. Sprinkle a little Cosmic Horror (ala Cthulu Mythos) and Alien Conspiracy (ala X-Files) and the recipe is complete!

New players are welcome.

For further information on the campaign and contact information, please


  • 16 Aug 2015 11:39 AM | Scot McConnachie (Administrator)
    Update: the GURPS campaign is being reorganized. Trentin is still recruiting players and looking for feedback as to the theme for the new campaign.
    Link  •  Reply
    • 27 Sep 2015 7:30 PM | Scot McConnachie (Administrator)
      This event is now meeting every two weeks on Sundays. Trentin is looking for more players to add a second table.
      Link  •  Reply
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