Red Zone Football Beta Testing

  • 13 Sep 2015
  • 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Metro Seattle Games, 1600 W. Armory Way, Suite C-106
  • 6


Registration is closed

Ever watch a football game or play Madden, and wish you could have complete control over all of the players? 

Be one of the first to play Red Zone Football, a board game that offers all the fun, strategy and chance of a real football game. The game combines realistic football gameplay with strategic movement similar to chess, and follows most of the rules in the NFL Playbook. 

Red Zone Football Players select offensive, defensive and special team plays, and use standard playing cards to engage in battles to move the ball down the field toward the end zones. You can run plays from the Red Zone playbook, or come up with your own plays.

It’s a whole new way to look at football, and players will gain a deeper understanding of the rules of football while creating savvy game-winning strategies. 

We need four players - There will be two boards, and players will play one-on-one. If we get several players, two-player teams can play. 

Players will read the instruction manual, set up the board game, and play the game.

This event session is a special event session at Metro Seattle Gamers. Admission will be free to all participants.

Questions can be directed to Chris at

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